
黄振宇 (Zhenyu Huang, Ph.D) Sep. 2018-Dec. 2023 Multi-modal Learning (ANT Group, ANT Star SSP) TPAMI'24, IJCV'24, TPAMI'23, CVPR'22, AAAI'22, NeurIPS'21 (Oral), TIP'21, CVPR'21, NeurIPS'20 (Oral), ICML'19 (Oral), IJCAI'19, TIE'18;   
李伯运 (Boyun Li, Ph.D) Sep. 2019- Image Restoration and Translation TPAMI'24(in revision), CVPR'23, TIP'22, CVPR'22, IJCV'21, TIP'20, CVPR'21, NeurIPS'20
缑元彪 (Yuanbiao Gou, Ph.D) Sep. 2019- Image Restoration and Translation NeurIPS'24, ICML'24 (Spotlight), CVPR'23a, CVPR'23b, NeurIPS'22, TPAMI'22, IJCV'21, CVPR'21, NeurIPS'20, TIP'20
李云帆 (Yunfan Li, Ph.D) Sep. 2020- Unsupervised Learning, AI4Science Nat Comm'25, NeurIPS'24, ICML'24 (Oral), Nat Comm'23, IJCAI'23, TNNLS'23, CVPR'23, IJCV'22, TPAMI'22,  JMLR'22, AAAI'21, CVPR'21
林义杰 (Yijie Lin, Ph.D) Sep. 2020- Multi-modal Learning, Learning with Noisy Correspondence Nat Comm'25, NeurIPS'24, ICLR'24 (Oral), ICCV'23, TNNLS'23, TPAMI'22 EMNLP'22, TIP'22, CVPR'21
杨谋星 (Mouxing Yang, Ph.D) Sep. 2020- Multi-modal Learning, Learning with Noisy Correspondence ICLR'25 (Spotlight), NeurIPS'24, TPAMI'24, ICLR'24, IJCV'24, TPAMI'23, Nat Comm'23, ICCV'23, IJCAI'23, CVPR'22, TPAMI'22, CVPR'21, IJCV'22
赵海宇 (Haiyu Zhao, Ph.D) Sep. 2022- Image Restoration and Translation NeurIPS'24, ICML'24 (Spotlight), CVPR'23
李浩斌 (Haobin Li, Ph.D) Sep. 2022- Multi-modal Learning IJCAI'23, ICLR'25 (Spotlight)
鲁一丁 (Yiding Lu, Ph.D) Sep. 2022- Multi-modal Learning AAAI'24
马鑫然 (Xinran Ma, MSc) Sep. 2022-Jun. 2025 Multi-modal Learning TIP'24
王文昕 (Wenxin Wang, MSc) Sep. 2022-Jun.2025 Image Restoration and Translation TPAMI (in revision)
郭睿明 (Ruiming Guo, MSc) Sep. 2023-Jun. 2026 Multi-modal Learning NeurIPS'24
刘泓麟 (Honglin Liu, Ph.D) Sep. 2023- Multi-modal Learning NeurIPS'24
杨若弘 (Ruohong Yang, Ph.D) Sep. 2024- Unsupervised Learning  
丁国峰 (Guofeng Ding, Ph.D) Sep. 2024- Multi-modal Learning  
郭凯 (Kai Guo, MSc) Sep. 2024-Jun.2027 Multi-modal Learning  

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